Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Love Yourself At Every Age!!

Hi My Lovelies,
So it's my favorite time of year! June is my birth month (WooHoo!) and it's the start of a new summer season. It's the time of year I find myself with a renewed energy and inspiration for all the possibilities in my life.  No matter what's happening in the world, if you're like me, there are certain years or seasons in our lives when we feel like we need to change direction, to get some pep in our step, motivate ourselves to work on something that is missing from our life.   After dealing with such a depressed economy, I'd bet a lot of people are feeling this way.  This is the perfect year - at the start of a new era to make whatever changes you want in your life.  So here's a little introspection for all my would-be dreamers.  You may not have had the experience you wanted at a particular age, but know that it was exactly as it should have been for you to be who you are right now.  And it is completely within your power to go back and relive it in your mind the way you you would have wanted it to be.   Whatever you can imagine begins to take shape, so please focus on the things you want.  I hope this inspires you to dream bigger dreams this summer season, and use that special summer energy to start acting on them.  And I'd love to hear all about them!

Just imagine yourself as
a newborn baby - a beautiful bundle of pure sacred energy, born out of love, knowing every truth and having all the gifts necessary to blossom and thrive - because you are fresh from the Source of all creation and love...

Just imagine yourself as
a happy 10 year old child - carefree, in a world of non-stop fun, discovering that you could run really fast, learning the endless possibilities of science, a life with primarily no worries, all laughter and pure You all day long...

Just imagine yourself as
a healthy teenager; lanky and long, with lots of friends and fun.  Where tests and homework and dating get pretty intense and amazing. When you begin to discover your beautiful self, learn to speak your mind without offending, test your confidence and for the first time, starting thinking about the rest of your life...

Just imagine yourself as
an inspired 20-something.  Fresh out of school, ready to take on the world, party like a rockstar and fall madly in love (every few months!). Life starts to get complicated, but you're so present and excited about the possibilities, and you have your list of goals...

Just imagine yourself as
a capable 30-something. Confident, busy, moving forward, very sure of who you have become, and cleaning house on the things you don't want in your life.  Starting a family or advancing your career, you know how to work hard and know where you want to go...

Just imagine yourself as
a rock-steady 40-something.  You've arrived at the age of loving yourself for who you are, being unafraid to change direction, or taking on a whole new level of growth.  You're in a good flow, buying things you've always wanted, and realizing you don't want half the things you used to think you needed...

Just imagine yourself as
a vibrant 50-something.  You live life with passion and compassion and you laugh at the things you used to worry about.  You're all about taking care of yourself and enjoying life. Your eyes are open and you're up for whatever adventure you can dream up for yourself... 

Just imagine yourself as
a renewed 60-something.  You have a whole great life behind you and your golden years ahead of you and you know how to enjoy it all.  You're still hot and fiery and realize that you've acquired a lot of wisdom through trial and error and success, and you're happy to share it with open, loving arms...

Just imagine yourself as
a well-seasoned 70-something.  With every passing decade, you realize life gets better and more valuable, and more exciting.  Like a fine wine, you've aged gracefully into the full embodiment of your best self.  Life is whatever you want it to be, and you know exactly how you want it to be...

Just imagine yourself as
a fresh and feisty 80-something.  You can do and wear whatever you want! You've earned every wrinkle and every whim and your wisdom runs as deep as your love for life, and family and friends...
Just imagine yourself as
a happy, healthy 90-something.  Anything is possible, and no one knows that more than you! Your life is a great adventure that's still unraveling.  You take your time, enjoying meals, conversations, moments.  You understand what's important is right now...

Just imagine yourself
at whatever age.  You are a piece of the Divine - a direct imprint from the Source of all life, creation and love.  There are no impossibilities if you remember who you are and deprogram any unproductive thoughts that hold you back from living a completely joyous and fulfilled life.  You are magnificent and amazing just because you exist - Everyone can succeed with that understanding.  Treat yourself accordingly and remember, You are Love, You are Love, You are Love!!


Wishing you Peace, Love
& Abundance Always,


Monday, May 17, 2010

Looking for Light at the end of this funnel...

Hi my lovelies,

So when the economy first started falling apart in 2008 and the cuts and layoffs took a drastic turn all across the country, people understood that the global economy was in trouble, but we were still kind of hopeful that it would be over by the end of 2009. Well here we are approaching summer 2010 and people are still getting laid off, companies are still closing, and federal budget cuts look like a massacre in some states.

Anyone under 60 years old living here in the States hasn't really felt the effects of a severely depressed economy until now. Though we've read about and heard dismal tales about The Great Depression, this level of economic failure is new to many of us and it will be interesting to see how we handle things and where we all end up before things turn around again.

Now we're about to face the effects of the BP Oil disaster. I know some days it feels like we're staring at a funnel cloud. The economy has affected almost everyone's bottom line, and made us all pay more attention and tighten our spending belts. We've become smarter, more patient, more creative, more inventive... Whatever it takes to survive and make it over this giant hump.

But tell me, how has the past year and half to two years affected your love life? If you're single, have you been meeting and dating people, or have you stopped pursuing that for now? How has your stress level affected how you approach a potential love interest or partner? Do you find that you're more cynical or ruthless in your dating mentality? Or are you more passive? More determined? Or no real change in the way you think? I'm curious because I've heard different things from men and women.

If you're in a committed relationship or a marriage, has there been any added strain because of the stress of a job loss or income loss? Has this crisis brought you closer together or driven a wedge between you?

What are you doing to hold it together? What do you do to keep the spark going in yourself and in your relationship? My readers and I want to know.

Wishing you Peace, Love
& Abundance Always,
